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If you are at least 13 years old, you’re eligible to be a teen volunteer.
You can earn credit for school or club service requirements.
Your volunteer experience will be helpful when you begin looking for a job or filling out college applications.
Teen volunteers should be able to work independently, rather than only in a group setting.
Volunteer tasks, which vary according to the branch location, may include helping to prepare materials for programs or distribution (photocopying, laminating, cutting, folding, typing), assisting in creating displays, helping to set up the meeting room for programs, or helping with the summer reading program.
Please note that some branches may require more volunteers than others, or have a need only in summer.
If a volunteer position is not currently available at your chosen branch, your application will be kept on file for up to a year.
When you’re contacted to volunteer, you'll be given a paper application to be signed by your parent or guardian and returned to the Library.
Questions? Contact your local branch or email the Young Adult Services Manager.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering -- your support is greatly appreciated!