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Internet Services


JMRL provides computers and Internet access in support of the Library's mission to provide services emphasizing general information and information literacy. The Library's Internet access is intended primarily as an informational and educational resource.

Jefferson-Madison Regional Library cannot guarantee computer viewing privacy, nor can the Library guarantee the privacy of information sent or received over the Internet. However, Library staff will take practical steps to minimize the inadvertent viewing of computer sessions by others. Library staff is authorized to monitor computer use as needed to determine compliance with library policies.

Library staff is not in a position to supervise juveniles' use of the Internet (see Policy Section 4.234). As with other Library materials, restriction of a juvenile's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. In compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), JMRL provides Internet workstations equipped with filtering/blocking technology intended to prevent juvenile access to inappropriate or harmful materials and to ensure juvenile security while using electronic communication, and to protect against personal identity theft or any other unlawful activities. However, filtering/blocking technology is not a completely reliable means of protection from materials that may be offensive, controversial or illegal. To help Internet users find useful information while avoiding unwanted information, Library staff can provide Internet instruction. The JMRL website will include links to other websites selected by Library staff on the basis of their informational or educational value in compliance with the Library's Material Selection Policy.

All adults (18 years old and older based on library card registration) seeking unfiltered Internet access for their own use may temporarily disable filtering for each session. Adults may not share unfiltered computers with minors (under 18 years old). Library staff will not disable filtering/blocking technology on computers located in children's or young adult areas of the Library. The Library will consider formal requests to block or unblock specific websites after the submission of JMRL Form 4.24 by following JMRL Reconsideration Policy: 4.24.

Where computer sign-in or check-out is required, computer users must use their own valid JMRL library card (Library Card Eligibility JMRL Policy Section 4.221). Visitors and/or persons who are not eligible for a Library card may request a guest pass or a computer access only card. Unless otherwise posted, computer sessions are limited to 30 minutes when others are waiting. During busy times staff may require half-hour intervals between sessions by the same computer user. Use of Library printers will be charged 10 cents for black and white, and 50 cents for color.

The Library provides staff support when possible for computer and Internet access. Library staff support may be limited regarding personal devices.

The Library reserves the right to terminate a computer session should computer use result in disruption of Library service, or if a user otherwise violates JMRL's Conduct Policy, 4.232. Library Internet access and computers shall not be used to access or distribute illegal materials. Any illegal activity involving the Internet and/or Library computers shall result in suspension or loss of Library privileges. (Code of Virginia, Section 42.1-36.1). Computer users using Jefferson-Madison Regional Library's facilities shall agree to and abide by this policy. Computer users shall agree to hold harmless the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library for any liability or damage claim arising from any use or misuse of Internet access, Library computers, or any storage devices used with Library computers.

Staff using Library computers are responsible for using resources in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. Library email accounts are considered to be the property of the Library. At any time, email messages may be accessed for the Freedom of Information Act, criminal investigations, or for good business practices the Library may implement. E-mail should be primarily used for Library business, and only incidental personal use.

JMRL Policy Section 4.7, revised 6/2020.